The current state of the managed care group

The current state of the managed care group

Monday, April 11, 2011

Managed Health Care Insurance Mandate

In today’s society, it is vital that individuals have health insurance. Health problems are a common occurrence in life, without coverage one’s life saving may be depleted with just one health complication. Managed care is one form of health insurance that can be chosen to reduce the burden of cost. There are three different typed of managed care offered, Health Maintenance Organization (HMOs), Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs), and Point of Service (POS).

Well these are great options in reducing cost they are not perfect. I feel that the state of Wisconsin should mandate the coverage provided by all types of insurance companies including Managed Care plans. It is predicted that Managed Health Care plans will be the only form of health insurance in the future. However, at this time having so many polices is only causing more work for health care professionals. Having so many polices means having a large variety of paperwork needed to be filed in order to have the service covered by insurance. This seems to cause many problems in filing. It is important that individuals look over their insurance policies closely to see exactly what is covered and what doctors they can see.

All the confusion dealing with the different plans and protocols leads to a large amount of inefficiencies. By having, a mandate on the coverage provides many of these problems be eliminated.

Billing/Insurance. (2010). In Morehead Memorial Hospital. Retrieved April 4, 2011, from

Common Problems. (2010). In Department of Managed Health Care. Retrieved April 3, 2011, from

Managed Care. (2011, February 7). In Medline Plus. Retrieved April 5, 2011, from

Managed Health Care Planes. (2011). In American Heart Assosiation. Retrieved April 4, 2011, from

Shi, L., & Singh, D. A. (2008). Delivering Health Care in America: A Systems Approach (4th ed., pp. 334-371). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers

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