The current state of the managed care group

The current state of the managed care group

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Managed Health Care-Patient Perspective

Managed Health Care

The company I work for recently began implementation of a new managed health care program. In this program, everyone needed to complete a biometric health screening and an on line personal health assessment questionnaire in order to receive $2,000 to be used for future health care costs (co-pays, deductibles, etc). Each employee then met with a medical technician to discuss the results and develop an action plan to address the areas of concern. This could include stress management, healthy eating, weight loss, quitting smoking, etc.

I found this to be extremely valuable and put personal action plan in place. I had several telephone sessions with a medical professional to discuss how to address stressful situations. I met with a personal trainer who developed a fitness program for me, and I started working out 3 times a week. There have been several “health” challenges/contests to reduce weight or body fat and increase physical activity through the company fitness center that my wife and I have participated in. I feel much stronger and healthier as a result.

The managed health care program has resulted in more out of pocket expenses for myself and family but this is understandable with the rising health care costs. One of the other advantages of the program is the utilization of a patient care hot line where you can call to obtain cost and quality information regarding a physician, clinic, or hospital. This has resulted in cost savings for both me and the company.

I am very happy with the managed care program at my company and would strongly encourage other companies to start one as well.

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